Every once in a while there is this secret wish of every Author to get into the bestseller charts and enjoy the royalties that they have dreamt of with recurring sales of the books. Book Marketing services also include things like Author Media Kit, Book Launch Team, Optimizing Meta Description on Amazon, Redesigning Covers, Press Releases and a lot of hustling.
Mentioned below are the strategies that build a Brand when we implement them. Let’s get started:
1. Author Website
A. Make an Author Website on WordPress and use Mybooktable to sell even more books via Affiliate Marketing.
B. Redirect people to your book sales page on Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
C. Can your book have additional merchandise like T-shirts, Cups or Watches. Design them with Almamater Store or Custom Ink.
D. Connect all your Social Media channels if readers want to connect and know more.
For Website Design Inspiration check the following
Bella Andre
Brett Battles
Susan Dennard
Michael Grimley
2. Online Book Tour
It is a mixture of blog and live stream interviews that are done on a different channel to increase the visibility of the book during the launch.
A. Include this Book tour on your website.
B. Prepare a list of at least 500 Instagram and YouTube creators in your niche if you wish to do 20 Interviews.
C. Decide when do you wish to approach these Bloggers, after the launch or during pre-orders.
D. Stream chapters of your book on YouTube and Facebook Live. Answer all the questions that readers ask during the stream or in the comment section after the launch.
For starters, you can start with Bookbloggerlist and Theindieview
3. Press Release
Book Press release is a great way to build Authority for your book. For details read our blog How to Write a Killer Book Press Release?
4. Monthly Newsletter
If you have an Email List consider giving free valuable resources that would be of great value to your readers for free before actually telling them to purchase your book.
If you have a Database and want to start straight away with economical Email Marketing then consider Mailerlite or Mailjet.
5. Niche Relevant Forums
When joining niche relevant forums, all you have to do is help out people. The more people you help the higher will be the number of people watching your headline.
Most of the forums have title visibility like LinkedIn.
You can have book titles like:
” Bestselling Author of Your Book”
” NYT Bestselling Author”
6. Goodreads Reviews
Goodreads reviews show popularity in the elite niche audience. When people add your book to their shelf, rate and review your book then these listing tend to get ranked very high in Google Search results. Read our Blog ” How to get Goodreads Review for your Book?” to know more.
7. Book Promotion Sites
If your book is available for free on Kindle then you can try the following Book Promotion sites to further escalate the downloads for your book:
Kindle Nation Daily
Author Marketing Club
Free Booksy
Bargain Booksy
Digital Book Today
Book Goodies
8. Book to Blog or Blog to Book
The book to Blog approach is when you reveal highlights of your book via blogs to your key audience. With every blog you also give a link to your book on online stores.
Blog to Book is more of a Feedback oriented approach for writing a book where you also check for readers response and take their feedback for improving your manuscript. This can also be used to pitch to Publishers
For the exact blueprint you can refer to this book on Amazon ” How to Blog a Book Revised and Expanded Edition: Write, Publish, and Promote Your Work One Post at a Time“
9. Giveaways
Design Giveaway contests for your book that involves readers tagging you on their Instagram Handle, posting about your book, tweeting with a particular hashtag and getting something like:
– Signed copy of all your book.
– Signed copy from multiple authors.
– Kindle device loaded with books.
– Advanced reader copies.
– Signed first edition of popular books
– Book themed mug or t-shirts.
– Phone call with the author.
Read: How to Design a Book Giveaway
10. Personal Connection via Readers Group
Every Social Network has an active Readers Group that like new book suggestions and give feedback. Join the following Facebook Groups and remember to network and genuinely connect with others.
Serial | Group Name | Members |
1 | Fiction Writing | 133.4K |
2 | Writers’ Group | 132.0K |
3 | 20BooksTo50K® | 49.5K |
4 | Where Authors Begin – | 37.8K |
5 | The Write Life Community | 28.3K |
6 | Women Writers | 19.2K |
7 | Pat’s First Kindle Book (From Start to Finish) | 16.7K |
8 | 10 Minute Novelists Group | 16.0K |
9 | Creative Fiction Writing | 15.7K |
10 | Writing Bad | 13.8K |
11 | Indie Author Group | 12.1K |
12 | Copywriter Café | 9.8K |
13 | Inner Circle Writers’ Group | 9.2K |
14 | Word Nerds Unite | 8.5K |
15 | Fantasy & Science Fiction Writers | 8.1K |
16 | Ask A Book Editor | 7.9K |
17 | Grimdark Fiction Readers & Writers | 7.6K |
18 | The Content Marketing Lounge | 7.2K |
19 | ProWritingAid Writer’s Community | 4.9K |
10. Resource Page and Bonus Content
Create a Resource page related to your book and keep on adding hacks or bonus content on one single page. The quality of the bonus content should be measured via Analytics. Like how many people downloaded a particular resource or what is the average time people stay on your website.
11. Starting a Podcast
Start a Podcast wherein each episode you talk about a particular aspect related to your book. Make sure to have an intro, advertisements, outro or a 20 second clip that tells the listeners that this series is a part of your book.
This 20-second clip or any format that you choose should be included at least 3 times or during the podcast breaks.
12. Radio and Podcast Interviews
On the basis of your Podcast, invite others to your show or pitch yourself to other shows. Know this” Every podcaster is actively looking for Authorities to invite on their show.”
While sending the invitation let them know who you are and how you got to know the other person. Be genuine, do not oversell.
13. Quora Marketing for Authors
Quora Marketing is a long term way to promote your book. One answer that ranks on top could sell thousands of books. The audience on Quora is more intellectual than on LinkedIn, so a Book Marketing plan for your book would involve:
– Finding existing questions that rank.
– Asking new questions from different IPs
– Ranking answers on Top 3 positions for higher visibility.
– At least answering 100 Answers before seeing any tangible results.
Make sure you don’t repeat the same content on Quora as your answer will collapse.
14. Book Trailer
Book Trailer is a 30-second stomp trailer or even a 3-minute clip that excites people about the events of the book or what led to this book. Remember it is not about telling what your book is about. It is about telling just enough information to get the readers excited.
15. Automate your Social Media
Automate your Social Media monthly so that readers who have liked or followed you get relevant content. Design book Marketing resources on Canva weekly or monthly, whatever suits your schedule all the content with the help of the following services.
Let us hit the bestseller charts!
Do you know for all the strategies and Blogs on Book Marketing on Edioak you can get a free consultation on how you can Market your Book? Reach to us via comments or contact form on the Website.